Remember Me - 20 years of CYNETART
20 Years
Interview with
Holger Lippmann
Holger Lippmann was born in 1960 in Mittweida. He’s known as a pioneer of net art and he’s seeing a part of his own work as digital paintings. Today he lives and works in Berlin. In this CYNETART-Interview with Nadine Bors, Holger Lippmann speaks about his work, life and 20 years of CYNETART.
20 Years
Interview with
Martine Neddam
Since 1996 Martine Neddam created virtual characters on internet, who lead an autonomous artistic existence in which the real author is never disclosed. In this interview she talks with Nadine Bors about her alter ego , their memories of Cynetart and her career an artist.
20 Years
Interview with
STANZA is an internationally recognised artist, who has been exhibiting worldwide since 1984. Recurring themes throughout his career include, the urban landscape, surveillance culture, privacy and alienation in the city. With Nadine Bors he talked about his career and 20 years of CYNETART.
20 Years
Interview with
Igor Štromajer
Igor Štromajer also known as „Intima“ was born in 1967 in Maribor. He describes himself as a pseudo-/para-artist. His first appereance at the CYNETART-Festival was in 1999 and he returned in 2000 and 2007.
CYNETART Festival is an event by Trans Media Academie Hellerau e.V. in cooperation with HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts Dresden.
The CYNETART Festival 2016 is supported by
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